Friday, 17 January 2025

15th January Games

Sufficient members were present last night to run Mark's SWAT game, which required six operatives to make a covert entry to a facility to search and destroy sundry biological weapons. These were guarded by various goons (and at least one Doctor Evil lookalike) together with a number of armoured troopers who were particularly obnoxious. Suffice to say that truth, Justice and the A******n Way prevailed and a gratifying number of explosions resulted in the 'elimination' of the items in question. Great fun as always.

Dave K has offered to run a Western Gunfight using his 'Fearless' rules next week; Dave, let me know if you need an appropriately dusty cloth for the game?

See yer soon,

Monday, 13 January 2025

8th January Games

   Apologies for the delay this week - real life got in the way. We had a decent turnout for the first meeting of 2025; a former member  of the club, Nick Huband has rejoined after many years' absence; good to have you back Nick! I ran a Wings of Glory WW1 aerial game for Nick, Nigel, Steve H and myself while Andy P ran a card cum board game called Mystic Vale for the rest of those present. Didn't get to see much of the game, but I gather that Dave K eventually won.

Mystic Vale game played

   My game saw two French marked Morane Saulnier N monoplanes (flown by Nigel and myself) go up against Steve H and Nick (playing the game for the first time) flying two Fokker Eindekkers. Nick didn't last too long as both Nigel and I took pot shots at him, my Morane caught fire and further damage took me out. There were numerous close passes when inventive invective alternated with barrages of stale baguettes and out of date bratwursts. We called it a draw in the end, but as always the game was great fun.

Wings of Glory WW1 aerial game

Next week, Mark will run his entertaining SWAT game, so remember the camo cream.

See yer soon,

Friday, 20 December 2024

18th December Games

   Still down on numbers due to The Cold (get well soon Dave K and Matt!), but myself, Steves H &S, Eddie, Mark and Nigel (with pun support from Dave C ) ran the annual Lost World game with Steve S as games master and myself in my normal role as beast master. Most of the explorer teams were wiped out by the beasties or irritated natives, but Steve H as Alan Quartermain achieved his objective and survived. Great fun as always, thanks to Steve for running the game.

   With Christmas and the New Year nearly upon us, our next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday 8th January 2025. No firm plans for a game as yet, but I'll throw this open to suggestions in due course. In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and may the former be whatever colour you deem appropriate.

See yer soon,

Friday, 13 December 2024

11th December Games

Still a bit light on numbers due to sickness and the 'festive' season last night; we were, however pleased to welcome an old SEEMS member and my predecessor as chairman,  Nick Huband as a guest. Nick has very generously gifted the club a very large collection of WW2 Axis and Allies models which I have yet to catalogue; thanks to Nigel for transporting the boxes and myself home as I was not driving last night! More on this anon, but many thanks to Nick for his kind generosity. Hope to see you again Nick.

Our game this week was one of Mark's infamous dungeon crawls, using a Tenfold dungeon, which has all the necessary passages and rooms contained in a single box. We were tasked with eradicating a cult of Satanists/Santaists (no one was really sure) which we proceeded to do in a rather laborious fashion. 

Next Wednesday will be our last game before Christmas (and indeed the last of 2024); the plan is to run Steve S' dinosaur hunt as is traditional at this time of year. See you then.


Monday, 9 December 2024

4th December Games

Numbers were down this week, due to assorted lurgies doing the rounds (get well soon Matt, Paul and Eddie) so we ran a slightly smaller version of Andy P's Corespace game - same basic scenario as last time; rescue persons from cryosleep in a facility overrun by various unpleasant (and dangerous ) lifeforms. Said lifeforms were removed from their troubled existence as expeditiously as possible, and everyone retired for tea and medals.

Next week, Mark has offered to run a dungeon crawl game, plus we'll have a couple of board games as backup.

See yer soon,

Monday, 2 December 2024

27th November Games

   Bit thin on the ground again on another bitterly cold night; Steves H and S, Eddie, Andy P, Nigel and I ran two games. The Saboteur card game (dwarven miners being stopped from reaching the lode by unidentified dwarves) ran as a three game sequence which Steve H won, and then we played Ludus Gladiatorus, which I umpired.
   Most chose one of the available gladiators, but Andy chose the Lion, and proceeded to cause hell and havoc on everyone else before his eventual (and messy) demise. Having brought along some recently acquired 54mm hard plastic figures in advance of a planned new show game, this game brought up some questions concerning said feline and how it should be used (recommended as a NPC character), and the manner in which the Bestiarius character should use his special action caused some little debate, which was eventually resolved. I've decided that as part of the game prep, I will write a summary of the rules for the use of players. 

Next week, we're planning to run Andy's Corespace SF game.

See yer soon,

Friday, 22 November 2024

19th November Games

   Just the one game this week due in no small part to the bitter cold; Andy P ran the Corespace game originally scheduled for last week but delayed due to his absence. The game involves teams of troopers infiltrating a facility which is overrun by mutants which exude a poisonous gas when they are despatched - this can re-animate previously despatched muties, monsters and genetic horrors if it isn't cleared by the use of flamethrowers. Andy ran the greeblies, while Mark, Dave K, Eddie Steve S and I were the troopers. We eventually cleared the site and were able to release the characters held in the room with the cylinders in the pictures attached, but we ran out of time to complete the mission and get the hell out of Dodge. Thanks to Andy for a most entertaining game.

   We might be low on numbers again next week, so I'll bring Ludus Gladiatorus as usual. Details of any options would be appreciated.

See yer soon,