Friday 30 August 2024

28th August Games

Still down on numbers due to holidays etc., but we had three games to hand last night. Steve S, Eddie and Dave K played Fallout (SF post nuclear Armageddon type board game), Alan and Rob ran a Stargrave skirmish and I put on my Angels 20 game for Nigel and myself. This had been planned for a larger number of players around an encounter during the Allied invasion of Vichy French controlled Syria in 1941 using Curtiss P40 Tomahawks against Dewoitine 520s - based on an actual event.

I took the opportunity to let Nigel take a Dewoitine while I handled two P40's; the French fighter had the 'bounce' on the P40s, but had to survive after the first pass. I flew the P40s as a pair and tried to give Nigel the chance to manoeuvre his fighter and explain how to get into a firing position. As expected, numbers counted in the end and the Dewoitine was duly despatched, but there had been a lot of manouevring before hand. An enjoyable game overall, and I think Nigel has a better idea of the game mechanics now ; I'll keep this scenario in hand as a training game. 

Next week, I've arranged a predreadnought game, and there is a Terminator game booked for Andy P's benefit.

See yer soon,

Thursday 29 August 2024

21st August Games

The holiday season reduced attendance again last night, so my planned Angels 20 WW2 aerial game didn't go ahead. Andy P ran one of the Zombiecide variants for Eddie, Mark ,Nigel and Steve S; Andy's friend Rose (who has been visiting from the Philippines) graced our gathering with her presence and also took part. She is returning home shortly, and we hope her visit to the UK has been a pleasant one. I've attached a picture of the game early on when the various characters are hoping to avoid zombie contact; it was necessary to attain certain objectives along the way, but I don't think they were able to reach all of them.

I've offered to run Angels 20 next week with a scenario set in Vichy French-controlled Syria when a patrol of British Curtiss P40's were bounced by French Dewoitine 520's. They appear to be fairly closely matched aircraft and it should prove interesting. We've also booked a table for another game if numbers warrant this.

See yer soon,

Friday 16 August 2024

14th August Games

Reduced numbers this Wednesday still allowed us to run two games; Alan and Rob set up a Star Wars: Legion game with Separatist forces against Republic clone troopers and Mandalorian forces, while Steve H ran a new game called Dungeon Karting for myself, Eddie, Mark and Nigel. As the name implies, players drive karts around a track strewn with hazards - there were a few errors in play due to a first time out, but great fun and the opportunity to do unto others before they do unto you is always enjoyable. Nigel and I have had a chat about some tweaks to Space Weirdos which I'll take a look at asap. 

Next week, Andy P has offered to run an (as yet unspecified) game, and I'll bring Angels 20 as backup.

See yer soon,

Friday 9 August 2024

7th August Games

We were down to two games this week; I ran a Wings of Glory WW1 aerial games for Steve H and Andy P, and Nigel umpired a Space Weirdos game for Steve S, Mark, Dave K and Eddie. Nigel was umpiring a four way skirmish with players not entirely familiar with the rules and therefore liable to 'creative' interpretation thereof. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and I think Nigel will be off the medication by next week with luck........

My game which I set in 1916, pitted two French Nieuport 11 scouts against two German Halberstadt DII scouts. I 'flew' the Nieuports while Andy and Steve took the Halberstadts. This was the first game I'd used the former and I found them to be very nippy and manoeuvrable but less durable than the German fighters. The end result was one aircraft each shot down (soz again Steve!), the remaining aircraft both damaged but mine carrying more damage and therefore heading for home. A good game with lots of manoeuvring, more to come.

Next week Steve H has offered to run a new fantasy car racing game he's just received, and I'll bring some backup for good measure.

See yer soon,

Monday 5 August 2024

31st July Games

Another unpleasantly warm evening at Wayland (not their fault, I hasten to add!) but we had two games up and running last night. Rob, Alan and Andy P were playing Star Wars: Legion with a Clone Wars vintage scenario. The clankers/droids took a hammering as usual, and I left Anakin Skywalker and Count Dooku going at it hammer and tongs - Anakin still had both arms at that point.

Steve S ran a Zombiecide derived Marvel game wherein certain of the Avengers and other assorted characters were infected by a 'zombie mosquito' and went forth to satisfy their need for blood and brains. They were opposed by various members of SHIELD, and other superhero types. I wasn't able to play due to the game limitations, but there are lots more photos and it was interesting to watch. 

Next week I'll run a WW1 aerial game, and Nigel has offered a Space Weirdos game as backup.

See yer soon,

Friday 26 July 2024

24th July Games

We had two games on the go last night; Rob, Alan and Andy P were playing Marvel Crisis Protocol, while Dave K ran a WW2 themed zombie game featuring British commandos storming a Nazi stronghold teeming with zombies and sundry monsters created by Josef Mengele - the mission for myself, Eddie, Mark, Steves H and S and Nigel was to recover secret plans and remove said Dr. Mengele from this life of turmoil and trouble. We used the same terrain as last week's dungeon crawl (thanks again to Wayland for the loan) and were able to complete the mission in time to return home for tea and medals. 

Next week, Steve S will run Marvel Zombies as our game of choice; I'll have a look for a backup game just in case. 

See yer soon,

17th July Games

A very hot and sticky night at Wayland last night saw two games involving club members. Rob, Alan and Andy P played a further Marvel Crisis Protocol game, while Mark ran his ever -popular dungeon crawl for myself, Steves S & H, Eddie, Dave K and Nigel. This involved the usual levels of mayhem but we fell short of stopping the Lords of Evil disappearing to an alternate dimension.

Next week, Dave K will run a version of his Zombie apocalypse game. 

See yer soon,