Friday 26 May 2023

24th May Games

Lower attendance this week; I sat in on a Living Dead game (viewing not participating) run by Dave K for Eddie, Paul , Mark and Steves S & H as part of an ongoing campaign. Time prevented the scenario's completion, but the players had completed the bulk of the mission despite the baleful presence of Negan (he's the one with the baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around. I'm told by devotees of the series that he is a rather volatile character and in the game can be either a positive or negative influence on others). Rob and Alan were playing Infinity in the main hall and I popped round to take some pictures of their game, together with a view of the Living Dead game.

Next week the Living Dead game will hopefully be completed, and I'll bring my version of Ludis Gladiatorus as backup.

See yer soon

Friday 12 May 2023

10th May Games

Very thin on the ground last night for various reasons. Steve S ran his Daleks vs UNIT game for myself, Eddie, Dave K and Mark; the Dalek objective was to 'eliminate' HM Queen Elizabeth in a scenario set in the 1970's. UNIT fielded mortars, a section of Guardsmen and a Scimiatar tank against the Dalek and Robomen.

   Mortars and tank proved exceptionall effective against the Daleks, with one only surviving to the game's end. The Master was also skulking around, 'assisting' the Daleks but was removed from play by UNIT reversing the Scimitar and squidging the Master and a lackey against a brick wall! Lets see you regenerate from that, sunshine!

   HM was last seen exiting the table in a Land Rover; it was uncertain who was driving the vehicle - those Royal corgis are exceptionally well trained, you know . . .

Rob was playing Infinity elsewhere, but I didn't have time to look in.

Next week, I'll run Ludis Gladiatoris for those onsite, which will provide fun for 6 players. Work on the Franco-Prussian War game proceeds apace, I've also received an invite for the SELWG show at Picketts Lock, which is scheduled for Sunday 15/10/23. No decision on game as of yet.

See yer soon


Friday 5 May 2023

3rd May Games

Better turnout this week; Dave K ran his zombie apocalypse game for Steves S&H, Mark, Eddie and Alex which provided an acceptable level of mayhem amongst the (fairly) recently deceased. Mike and Steve B were engaged in a Kill Team scenario involving Sisters of Battle and genestealers which was also messy.

kill team at wayland games centre hockley

I spent the evening moving between the games, getting photos and discussing the upcoming Franco-Prussian War show game. I've done some provisional unit stat cards which have been agreed, and which will go into production shortly. Matt's in full production with the bulk of the figures required (I have some Germans and French figures to complete) and Mike is supplying some terrain and extra buildings for the test game we're planning before the Broadside show on 10th June. Hopefully it will all come together in time.

See yer soon
