SEEMS were in attendance at Cavalier 2013 held by the Tonbridge Wells Wargames Society at the Angel Centre, Tonbridge on Sunday 24th February.
Approx 500 visitors were at the show and the main hall was well laid out with a mix of traders and game displays.
Some of the games presented were -
Maidstone Wargames Society - Operation Deadstick 1944
Staines Wargamers - Dixie 1863
West Kent Wargamers - Medieval Siege
The Gamers Hub - Imperial Siege 40000
Southend Wargames Club - Field of Glory 1812
Deal Wargames Society - Denmark 1940
North London Wargames Group - Drop the Bridge
Friday Night Firefight - Patton's Charge 1946
Crawley Wargames Club Brave Little Belgium 1940
Society of Ancients - The Battle of Crimisus 340BC
Loughton Strike Force - Napoleonic Battle
The Sealed Knot also had a stand with members in full dress.
SEEMS won the "Best Demonstration Game" on the day with 'A Very French Civil War' that looked splendid and always appeared to have a mass of people around the table watching the events unfold.
Here are a few pics from the day, I didn't get too many of the other games, especially in the second hall but hopefully someone else has a few of the other games on offer -
Deal Wargames Society - Denmark 1940 |
Deal Wargames Society - Denmark 1940 |
Crawley Wargames Club - Brave Little Belgium 1940 |
Crawley Wargames Club - Brave Little Belgium 1940 |
Crawley Wargames Club - Brave Little Belgium 1940 |
Crawley Wargames Club - Brave Little Belgium 1940 |
SEEMS: A Very French Civil War -
West Kent Wargamers won the 'Best Participation Game' with their Medieval Siege.
For some more great photos have a look at Lee's
BLMA and Ray's
Don't Throw A 1 blogs.