A few of us attended Salute at the Excel in London and it proved to be another good day. All the usual suspects were there but unfortunately there was no SEEMS representation this year.
One of the centre-piece games was the
South London Warlords own 'Fleeced' games tying in with the loose theme of the show, Jason and the Argonauts. The game looked great fun and was fought using 1/6 scale figures with amazing looking skeletons.
Jason battles skeletons! |
Here are some more snaps of games from the day...
Gripping Beast / 4Ground's massive Viking Hall. |
Nantwich Gamers - When Chaos Reigns Normandy 1944. |
Nantwich Gamers - When Chaos Reigns Normandy 1944. |
A particular favourite of mine was the 3D version of the classic
Snits Revenge board game by Tom Wham, designer of The Awful Grenn Things From Outer Space.
Frothers United - Snits Revenge. |
Frothers United - Snits Revenge. |
Frothers United - Snits Revenge. |
Frothers United - Snits Revenge. |
Planet of the Apes...
Frothers United - Return to the Planet of the Apes. |
Frothers United - Return to the Planet of the Apes. |
...and some more sci-fi...
Red Planet Miniatures - War on Mars. |
Red Planet Miniatures - War on Mars. |
Blakes Seven. |
Blakes Seven. |
...and some VBCW...
Gentlemens Wargames Parlour - VBCW. |
Gentlemens Wargames Parlour - VBCW. |
Gentlemens Wargames Parlour - VBCW. |
The day managed to slip away very quickly but I did spend more time just gawking at the amazing games and less shopping. I had some great chats with some of the guys running games and a very interesting discussion with the designer for
Sarissa Precision - the new 'Gaslamp Alley' buildings are lovely and I can't wait to pick up some of these.
I picked up the new
Crooked Dice 7th Voyage book plus I added a few packs of the lovely Foundry Argonauts to my current handful from the
Wargames Foundry stall and very nice they were too!
Check out
Big Lee's site for much better photos and a proper review!