Just the one game this week due in no small part to the bitter cold; Andy P ran the Corespace game originally scheduled for last week but delayed due to his absence. The game involves teams of troopers infiltrating a facility which is overrun by mutants which exude a poisonous gas when they are despatched - this can re-animate previously despatched muties, monsters and genetic horrors if it isn't cleared by the use of flamethrowers. Andy ran the greeblies, while Mark, Dave K, Eddie Steve S and I were the troopers. We eventually cleared the site and were able to release the characters held in the room with the cylinders in the pictures attached, but we ran out of time to complete the mission and get the hell out of Dodge. Thanks to Andy for a most entertaining game.
We might be low on numbers again next week, so I'll bring Ludus Gladiatorus as usual. Details of any options would be appreciated.
See yer soon,