Friday 28 June 2024

26th June Games

A fair turnout on a very hot and sticky evening; Rob, Andy P and a friend were playing Lost Souls again following last week's trial game, while I ran a Wings of Glory WW1 aerial game for Mark, Steves H & S, Eddie and Nigel. Having recently been reading up on the air combats in 1917 featuring more advanced aircraft, I gave the Steves and Mark two Albatross DIII fighters and an Albatross CIII two-seater reconnaissance aircraft tasked with a photo sortie over Allied lines, the fighters there to provide an escort. Eddie, Nigel and myself took three SPAD VII fighters to prevent this, possibly destroying the two-seater in the process. The ensuing fight went to the wire, with Nigel's SPAD catching fire and destroyed in the process, while Steve H's DIII fell to my guns (soz mate). The two-seater completed its mission, and escaped with some damage, having dished out some considerable damage in its own right; proof indeed that the two-seaters were formidable opponents in the own right by this time in the Great War. 

We've an evening of small scale games scheduled for next week by way of a change.

See yer soon, 

19th June Games

We were down on numbers due to holidays and sickness (best wishes to Steve S) but we still ran two games last night. Alan, Rob and Andy P were playing a new fantasy game called Dark Souls which featured some very nice painting by Rob, while Dave K set up a Ruthless Old West gunfight game for myself, Mark, Steve H and Eddie. Steve and I ran a gang of bank robbers who eventually fought off the forces of law and order as played by Mark and Eddie, although not without casualties.

I’ve offered a Wings of Glory WW1 aerial game for next week, having recently read up on Bloody April 1917; this will bring in some later aircraft than the 1916 models we’ve been playing. Any news on other games would be appreciated.
See yer soon,

Thursday 27 June 2024

12th June Games

A lower than expected turnout meant my Angels 20 game didn’t go ahead; this was more than compensated for by the chance to distribute the ACW and FPW collections of the late Jack Alexander. Jack was better known as the designer of Jacklex 20mm figures for many years (and the range continues in production under new management) but we were offered a great deal of figures, building and rules so long as the figures would be used. Most will need refurbishment but I’m sure we can deal with this. I’d offer Jack’s family our sympathy at their loss, together with our profound thanks for their generosity.
Game wise we saw Alan, Rob and Steve H settle to a Frostgrave game (Steve had a bit of a bad time I gather), while Andy P, Paul, Mark, Eddie, Dave K and myself played Zombiecide to a successful conclusion – no-one got bitten!

Next week, we have a distinctly Old West flavour to games, with Dead Man’s Hand and Dave K’s Western Gunfight rules.
See yer soon,

Friday 7 June 2024

5th June Games

We were a bit spread out but busy last night; Dave K ran a further ‘Here’s Negan’ game for Steve S, Mark, Eddie, Andy P and Paul, Rob and Alan were engaged in a Frostgrave game, a welcome appearance by Mike and Steve B with a Warhammer 40K game, while, Nigel, Steve H and myself settled down to a further Space Weirdos game.

This involved three groups (terrorists, mercenaries and a SWAT team) attempting to gain control of an object resembling a sword in a stone (which of course was purely representational), which led to serious amounts of firefights, casualties and general mayhem associated with these simple but very entertaining rules. Steve came out on top in his first game.

Next week, I’ve offered to run an Angels 20 game, Dave K is running another ‘Here’s Negan’ game, and there is some further Frostgrave action.

A reminder that Matt, Steve H and I are running an ACW game at the Broadside show this Saturday at the Medway Park Sports Centre, Mill Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 1HF. Hopefully we’ll see some of you on the day at this entertaining event.


See yer soon,
