Thursday 27 June 2024

12th June Games

A lower than expected turnout meant my Angels 20 game didn’t go ahead; this was more than compensated for by the chance to distribute the ACW and FPW collections of the late Jack Alexander. Jack was better known as the designer of Jacklex 20mm figures for many years (and the range continues in production under new management) but we were offered a great deal of figures, building and rules so long as the figures would be used. Most will need refurbishment but I’m sure we can deal with this. I’d offer Jack’s family our sympathy at their loss, together with our profound thanks for their generosity.
Game wise we saw Alan, Rob and Steve H settle to a Frostgrave game (Steve had a bit of a bad time I gather), while Andy P, Paul, Mark, Eddie, Dave K and myself played Zombiecide to a successful conclusion – no-one got bitten!

Next week, we have a distinctly Old West flavour to games, with Dead Man’s Hand and Dave K’s Western Gunfight rules.
See yer soon,

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