A reasonable turnout last night, even if we were scattered around the Wayland Games Centre. Dave K, Steve S, Paul, Andy P, Mark and Eddie were involved in a Walking Dead campaign game in the bar area, Rob and Alan were playing the Stargrave sci-fi rules from Osprey along Steve H and myself. My game brought out the Napoleonic naval collection for a refight of the Battle of San Domingo in 1806, when a French squadron was destroyed in the West Indies. The layout for the game didn’t quite match the reality, and the French under Steve did rather better than was the case in reality. I pulled victory from defeat not by preventing the French squadron from escaping, but when the British flagship blew up after suffering catastrophic damage, it inflicted so much damage on the surrounding French ships that they couldn’t evade the pursuing British! You take your wins any way you can...............
I understand a further Walking Dead game is planned for next week. I won’t be down for a couple of weeks, but I’ll see you all in mid September. If someone could update the Facebook page in my absence, I’d be most grateful.
See yer soon,