Monday 20 May 2024

15th May Games

We were slightly down on numbers again last Wednesday; Rob, Alan and Andy P were playing Frostgrave with some nicely painted miniatures while I ran a Wings of Glory WW1 aerial combat game for Mark, Nigel and Steve S. I ran three Sopwith Triplanes myself (no mean feat I assure you!) whilst the others flew a mixture of Halberstadt DII and Albatross DII fighters. This was the first time we’d played the updated rules (supplied by Dave C, to whom thanks again) and the various aircraft were new to us all. I enjoyed the manoeuvrability of the Tripes, but in the end one succumbed to an explosion card while the other two both took engine damage and one was unable to manoeuvre due to rudder damage; suffice to say I conceded defeat with my customary (and much-practiced) grace...........

Next week, Nigel and I are planning another Space Wierdos SF skirmish game, and I understand t’others will be playing board games.
See yer soon,

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