Friday 7 June 2024

5th June Games

We were a bit spread out but busy last night; Dave K ran a further ‘Here’s Negan’ game for Steve S, Mark, Eddie, Andy P and Paul, Rob and Alan were engaged in a Frostgrave game, a welcome appearance by Mike and Steve B with a Warhammer 40K game, while, Nigel, Steve H and myself settled down to a further Space Weirdos game.

This involved three groups (terrorists, mercenaries and a SWAT team) attempting to gain control of an object resembling a sword in a stone (which of course was purely representational), which led to serious amounts of firefights, casualties and general mayhem associated with these simple but very entertaining rules. Steve came out on top in his first game.

Next week, I’ve offered to run an Angels 20 game, Dave K is running another ‘Here’s Negan’ game, and there is some further Frostgrave action.

A reminder that Matt, Steve H and I are running an ACW game at the Broadside show this Saturday at the Medway Park Sports Centre, Mill Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 1HF. Hopefully we’ll see some of you on the day at this entertaining event.


See yer soon,


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