Friday, 21 February 2025

19th February Games

Slightly down on numbers last night; Steve S, Mark, Dave K and Andy were trialling a new game called Carnevale (set in a fantasy version of 18th Century Venice I believe). I was using an adjacent room whence Steve S, Eddie, Nigel and I settled down to a game of Ludis Gladiatorus as Dave C's ACW naval game had been postponed (see below). We were thus able to hear some.....spirited discussion, shall we say?.......concerning interpretation of the rules in use next door. My game proceeded to its usual messy end, with Nigel taking the victor's palm in spite of having chosen the slowest gladiator on the board! Seems that Aesop chappie might have been right about the tortoise and the hare. 

Next week, Dave C's ACW naval game has been rescheduled, while Dave K has offered to run Flashpoint again (the firefighting game played recently).

In the meantime, Steve S, Graham and I are off to Tonbridge on Sunday to run my Peninsular War game this coming Sunday 23/2/25; I believe we may have a couple of other members attending separately but more details will follow after the event.

See yer soon,

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