Friday, 14 March 2025

12th March Games

We ran two games last night; Steve S ran a Heroquest game for the bulk of those present; this is the recently re-released version of the classic dungeon crawl game from waaaaaay back when. There are substantial differences between the two, and the game was essentially a trial run for a further game which would then hopefully run better.

Dave C, Nick and I played out a further Portable ACW naval game, based on the action in Hampton Roads between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia. Monitor was tasked with protecting the grounded USS Minnesota (a wooden frigate which had run aground during the Virginia's first sort the previous day). Virginia was tasked with destroying the Minnesota and surviving to exit the table from her point of entry. Nick ran the Union ships, while I (predictably) commanded the Virginia. 
For once, my plan worked, and I was able to destroy the Minnesota and execute a ram on the stern of the Monitor; admittedly the ram was ineffective, but so VERY satisfying! Virginia was adjudged by Dave to have exited the table in time for tea and medals.

Next week, we have a further Heroquest game planned, and I'll bring a couple of games along as backup.

See yer soon,

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