Monday 30 May 2022

26th May Games

Busy last night; Andy P ran a Core Space game for Mark, Steve S and Bob (one of our Friday night gamers who put in an appearance); I gather the body count was high and consisted mostly of players!

Rob ran a sci-fi skirmish using the house 'dungeon' system - might try using that with a Space Hulk game some time.

Mike had the idea to refight the battle of Hastings to the East of the Abbey site, where the road to London follows a ridge through marshy terrain (confirmed by archeological survey some years back). If this is correct, then King Harold Godwinson was killed on a mini roundabout . . . I provided the Norman forces and commanded the cavalry, while Steve H took the assault infantry and missile troops. Long story short, after some missile fire, infantry melees and a brace of successful cavalry charges, the English forces were reduced to a shadow of their former selves. Seems as though Duke William may be due for a promotion.

Next week a board game session is planned. I'd like to run a final familiarisation game for the Battle of Britain game which will be presented at the Broadside show on the 4th June.

See yer soon


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