Friday, 21 March 2025

19th March Games

Bit quiet this week; I ran a Ludo style boardgame 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' based on the characters in the first of the Hobbit film trilogy. Steve S & H, Nick, Andy P, Mark and myself played various of the members of the party, gathering skills and equipment before challenging the monsters in each second. A fast paced game led to Steve S as Gandalf wining by completing the sectors first. Just the one image taken at the start of the game for flavour. As far as I can recall, we haven't played this since before the pandemic, so it was nice to give the game another runout.

Next week, a further game of Carnevale has been scheduled and we'll organise some backup games.

See yer soon,

Friday, 14 March 2025

12th March Games

We ran two games last night; Steve S ran a Heroquest game for the bulk of those present; this is the recently re-released version of the classic dungeon crawl game from waaaaaay back when. There are substantial differences between the two, and the game was essentially a trial run for a further game which would then hopefully run better.

Dave C, Nick and I played out a further Portable ACW naval game, based on the action in Hampton Roads between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia. Monitor was tasked with protecting the grounded USS Minnesota (a wooden frigate which had run aground during the Virginia's first sort the previous day). Virginia was tasked with destroying the Minnesota and surviving to exit the table from her point of entry. Nick ran the Union ships, while I (predictably) commanded the Virginia. 
For once, my plan worked, and I was able to destroy the Minnesota and execute a ram on the stern of the Monitor; admittedly the ram was ineffective, but so VERY satisfying! Virginia was adjudged by Dave to have exited the table in time for tea and medals.

Next week, we have a further Heroquest game planned, and I'll bring a couple of games along as backup.

See yer soon,

Friday, 7 March 2025

5th March Games

Enough on hand last night to run two games. Dave K ran Flashpoint (the firefighting game we ran a few weeks back) for the bulk of those present. Steve H and I trialled a card-based game I'd acquired a while back set during the Trojan War. 

Achilles and Hector allows two players to fight over a series of turns, playing unit cards and optional Hero cards, the object being for one player to lose all cards in a particular deck on the front of his board, or the Home deck behind. The rules need careful study (or a YouTube video) so we only got a few rounds in before time called. The game appears to require bluffing which I have yet to get the hang of. Interesting game though.

Next week it is planned to run Heroquest; Dave C's follow up ACW Ironclad game has been postponed for a couple of weeks, so I'll bring backup.

See yer soon,

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

26th February Games

  We ran two very different games last night; most of those present were involved in a variant of Zombiecide I never thought I'd see, based on the TV series of Monty Python's Flying Circus, which included all the best known characters from the Ministry of Silly Walks, the Gumbies and the giant foot! It looked like great fun except for the zombies wanting to nosh on the characters, but that's zombies for you.

   In a slightly saner corner, Dave C, Nick and myself ran the much delayed play test of Dave's Gridded ACW Naval Wargame, using two small forces for the Union and the Confederacy. This was the game's first outing and as such was umpired by Dave. I ran a Confederate squadron with a broadside ironclad ram and a gunboat, while Nick had a shallow draught monitor and a gunboat. I drew first blood, hitting the monitor with fire from the gunboat. This was promptly bracketed by both Union vessels and reduced to matchwood in short order. My ram hit the Union gunboat with closed range gunfire but took damage in return, at which point we ran out of time. In all likelihood, I'd have been outmanoeuvred by the faster Union vessels and pounded into submission, but the point was to test the rules ahead of a much larger game which will be covered in a revised edition of Dave's rules for future publication. Great fun all the same.

No firm decision on next week's games as yet. Flashpoint seems to be one option, others are under consideration.

See yer soon,

Monday, 24 February 2025

Cavalier 2025

Steve H, Graham and I (with assistance from Nick on his arrival) ran 'An affair of Outposts' which is a Peninsular War based game of two linked scenarios with the French trying to break a British outpost line, leading to a larger scale encounter as the outposts fall back on their supports. The French (commanded by Graham and Nick) suffered truly appalling dice rolls (since they used my dice AGAIN!) and failed in their objectives. It is said that dice have no memory, but boy do they have malice......

That said, the game was well received by the visiting public and there was a lot of interest in the Rebels and Patriots rules and the Flags and Eagles Napoleonic module published online, which forms the basis of our version of the rules played. My thanks as ever to Steve, Graham and Nick for attending and making the game work as well as it did. The scenarios played out well, so this game is one for another outing in the future.


Friday, 21 February 2025

19th February Games

Slightly down on numbers last night; Steve S, Mark, Dave K and Andy were trialling a new game called Carnevale (set in a fantasy version of 18th Century Venice I believe). I was using an adjacent room whence Steve S, Eddie, Nigel and I settled down to a game of Ludis Gladiatorus as Dave C's ACW naval game had been postponed (see below). We were thus able to hear some.....spirited discussion, shall we say?.......concerning interpretation of the rules in use next door. My game proceeded to its usual messy end, with Nigel taking the victor's palm in spite of having chosen the slowest gladiator on the board! Seems that Aesop chappie might have been right about the tortoise and the hare. 

Next week, Dave C's ACW naval game has been rescheduled, while Dave K has offered to run Flashpoint again (the firefighting game played recently).

In the meantime, Steve S, Graham and I are off to Tonbridge on Sunday to run my Peninsular War game this coming Sunday 23/2/25; I believe we may have a couple of other members attending separately but more details will follow after the event.

See yer soon,

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

12th February Games

Enough members to hand on Wednesday night to play Dave K's 'Ruthless' Western Gunfight game. Two gangs met to slug it out over two games; I was killed. Twice. (stupid game anyway). Good fun in any case..

Next week, Steve S is organising a game of Carnevale (which is based on the festivities in Venice long ago I believe), while Dave C has invited Nick and myself to a trial game of his ACW period naval rules, prior to a future game with his late 19th century ironclad fleets currently under construction

We are also attending the Cavalier show at the Angel Centre in Tonbridge on Sunday 23rd February with a Peninsular War game. Hope to see some of you there - details have already been emailed to all interested parties.

See yer soon,

5th February Games

Sufficient members attended last night to make it worthwhile using both the rooms we have available at the Iveagh Club; Andy P brought along a friend named Lee, who knew Nick from a previous retail connection! Talk about the hobby having no bounds.

Dave K ran Flash Point for Andy, Lee and Eddy - this is a co-operative Firefighters' game, which there was time to play twice. This was played in the room we haven't used to date, but was greeted with approval for the extra space available. Nick ran a game of medieval naval warfare for Steve S and I, using some beautifully painted models from Essex Miniatures, with crew figures from the Peter Laing medieval range. The French were tasked with convoying two merchant ships off table, while the English were planning  something akin to smash and grab. The English (commanded by myself) were able to capture one of the French warships, but the merchants were able to exit the table. Not sure who won, but I inflicted more damage on the French than they did to me. 

Next week, Dave K will run his Ruthless Old West gunfight game again; hopefully I'll survive this one. 

See yer soon,

Friday, 31 January 2025

29th Games Played

Still down on numbers, but we ran a Zombicide game using Andy P's 2nd edition set. Our group of wannabe undead eradicators were tasked to recover up to five survivors hiding in the board area illustrated in my pictures; if just one was killed by the zombies we'd failed. No pressure then............

Suffice to say that we started in the bottom of frame, and slaughtered our way to the top edge, recovering and saving two survivors in the process, only for the third to run away, who - you guessed it - ran straight into the zombies. Game over man. Great fun as usual, my thanks to Andy for providing and umpiring the game.

We're planning two games next week - Flashpoint by Dave K, and Nick has offered to run a WW1 aerial game using his collection or possibly a medieval naval game. 

See yer soon,

Friday, 24 January 2025

22rnd January Games

  Decent turnout last night, although we're still a few people down due to sundry lurgies. Dave K ran a Western gunfight using the Ruthless rules that he's adopted in recent times. They have the benefit of being reasonably simple, but give a decent level of playability as well. The scenario was, I am told, loosely based on the final scene in the film 'Unforgiven' (which I still haven't seen) with several different groups trying to stop various desperadoes escaping from the town, each group also having its own personal objectives.
   Things got ........messy. Very messy. My character succumbed to lead poisoning and numerous bullet holes, and several other characters also started their final journey to Boot Hill. Steve S came out on top with the highest value kills.

   Next week, we'll be playing one of the various Zombicide games; not quite sure what's different about this version, but I'm sure we'll find out. In other news, the Tonbridge Wells Wargames Society have requested we provide a game at their Cavalier show on the 23rd February 2025. I offered the Peninsular War era 'An Affair of Outposts' game we've run at Broadside some time back as it's pretty much ready to go, subject to some paperwork for the scenario (and to see if I can get some more French infantry painted). More details on the event as I receive them.

See yer soon,

Friday, 17 January 2025

15th January Games

Sufficient members were present last night to run Mark's SWAT game, which required six operatives to make a covert entry to a facility to search and destroy sundry biological weapons. These were guarded by various goons (and at least one Doctor Evil lookalike) together with a number of armoured troopers who were particularly obnoxious. Suffice to say that truth, Justice and the A******n Way prevailed and a gratifying number of explosions resulted in the 'elimination' of the items in question. Great fun as always.

Dave K has offered to run a Western Gunfight using his 'Fearless' rules next week; Dave, let me know if you need an appropriately dusty cloth for the game?

See yer soon,

Monday, 13 January 2025

8th January Games

   Apologies for the delay this week - real life got in the way. We had a decent turnout for the first meeting of 2025; a former member  of the club, Nick Huband has rejoined after many years' absence; good to have you back Nick! I ran a Wings of Glory WW1 aerial game for Nick, Nigel, Steve H and myself while Andy P ran a card cum board game called Mystic Vale for the rest of those present. Didn't get to see much of the game, but I gather that Dave K eventually won.

Mystic Vale game played

   My game saw two French marked Morane Saulnier N monoplanes (flown by Nigel and myself) go up against Steve H and Nick (playing the game for the first time) flying two Fokker Eindekkers. Nick didn't last too long as both Nigel and I took pot shots at him, my Morane caught fire and further damage took me out. There were numerous close passes when inventive invective alternated with barrages of stale baguettes and out of date bratwursts. We called it a draw in the end, but as always the game was great fun.

Wings of Glory WW1 aerial game

Next week, Mark will run his entertaining SWAT game, so remember the camo cream.

See yer soon,