Reasonably busy last night; Mark and co. ran a large Warhammer 40K game, which gave Brad a chance to use part of his rather substantial Space Marine Chapter force (sorry Brad, can't remember which chapter they represent!). My offering, as ever, was WW2 aerial using Angels 20, but I managed to come up with something a little off the wall.

I have only run one game to date using the French Morane 406 fighters (albeit in Finnish markings), and thus considered it was time for their counterparts from the Armee de l'Air to join in. Using French and Finnish marked models, I set the game as a fight with the Italians in a 'what if?' situation against Macchi 200 and 202 fighters (the latter in service rather earlier than was the case). An interesting game ensued, and while the Moranes and the Macchi 200's were closely matched, the 202's were the clear class of the field. Suffice to say the Franco-Finns were swept from the skies, but if I can obtain a few more appropriate models, this one might well run again. We even had time for Steve to run a quick Thunder Road game after the smoke cleared! Pictures of both games are attached for flavour.
Next week, we have decided to run the same types of game again, i.e. Warhammer 40K and Angels 20. Any other suggestions or offers ware of course most welcome.
See yer soon,